REI Insights

The National Science Foundation Awards REI Systems’ a SBIR Phase III Contract for Enterprise Rollout of REI’s GovReview Solution
October 17, 2022
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sterling, VA – REI Systems has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contract to modernize the Proposal Evaluation System (PES) for the National Science Foundation (NSF). NSF advances research, infrastructure, and people across all science and technology disciplines, supporting over 25% of all federally funded research at academic institutions.  The agency needed a modern and configurable enterprise PES system to support NSF’s expanding portfolio. The solution required technology enhancements that increase scalability, flexibility, and performance to support the multitude of internal program review requirements, including integration with multiple software platforms, automating business workflows, and self-service admin tools.

REI began working with NSF in 2020 to pilot its peer review solution, originally developed through SBIR funding with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), to validate the feasibility of replacing NSF’s legacy system. The solution’s modular architecture provided NSF with the flexibility to integrate this capability into its existing grants management systems while improving the effectiveness and efficiency of its proposal evaluation process. REI’s pilot system successfully supported six NSF programs with their evaluation panels.

Since the initial pilot, building on our ‘Innovation as a Habit’ culture, REI invested in creating the next generation of the peer review solution, called GovReview®. REI’s GovReview provides the peer review business process support, workflows, and cloud-native architecture that meets NSF’s business and IT needs. REI leveraged our domain expertise supporting peer review processes at NASA, building large enterprise grants systems at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), along with our expertise in user experience modernization to create a functionally improved, intuitive, and technically advanced peer review solution.

REI’s Chief Growth Officer, Wagish Bhartiya, quoted “I am excited that NSF has selected to deploy our GovReview® product for its Proposal Evaluation System. Quickly and systematically evaluating applications to support wide-ranging research efforts is critical to NSF’s mission. I am proud that NSF selected REI as both a grants domain and innovative technology partner for this enterprise-wide effort.”

REI’s CEO, Shyam Salona, stated, “We took our 30 plus years of expertise in building end-to-end grant management systems and developed a modular peer review solution that can be configured and integrated into almost any federal grant program. Our goal with GovReview is to advance grant technologies so agencies can better manage grant funding decisions and outcomes.”

About REI Systems

REI Systems provides reliable, effective, and innovative technology solutions that advance federal, state, local, and nonprofit missions. Our technologists and consultants are passionate about solving complex challenges that impact millions of lives. We take a Mindful Modernization™ approach in delivering our application modernization, grants management systems, government data analytics, and advisory services. Mindful Modernization is the REI Way of delivering mission impact by aligning our government customers’ strategic objectives to measurable outcomes through people, processes, and technology. Learn more at 
