Sterling, VA – REI Systems is pleased to announce that it has been engaged by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of ...
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Reading Time: < 1 minuteNovember 12, 2020- How Blockchain Can Help Trace Grant Funding Flows & Results
Pay Attention to the Why, Not the How
The sun rises. The sunsets. Agencies evolve. Processes change. Program missions are affected by any ...
Peter Parsan – Region of Peel “Because IT aptitude is just good business”
While the systems were functioning quite capably when Peter Parsan ...
Reading Time: < 1 minuteREI Systems recently released the results of our Annual Grants Management Survey which provides insights on how much grantors are spending on administrative costs, how do grantors compare to grantees in administrative spending, drivers of these expenses, and more.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn this article, Federal News Network reviews the 3 main goals and how data from OMB and respondents in REI Systems' Grants Management Survey, sponsored by NGMA and George Washington University, has lead to the development of these goals. This will be the first time OMB has given guidance to agencies on how best to design their programs that focus on outcomes and not outputs.