Government Operations


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Blockchain–More than just bits of coins

Blockchain–More than just bits of coins

Reading Time: 7 minutesToday, almost everyone has heard the buzzword “blockchain,” most likely in the context of cryptocurrency. However, blockchain is not the same as cryptocurrency or Bitcoin. It is the underlying technology that was built to make cryptocurrency possible. As we look beyond cryptocurrencies, this technology has the ability to definitively track any resource of value in a non-centralized manner.
Consolidating 10 Different Systems to Provide a Seamless Experience

Consolidating 10 Different Systems to Provide a Seamless Experience

Reading Time: 4 minutesGSA sought to decommission several systems, and integrate others into a coherent whole, a new “Integrated Award Environment” (IAE), with (the System for Award Management) as its portal. Leveraging REI Systems’ App Modernization expertise, GSA has been able to launch IAE, and concurrently completely decommission several major applications.