REI Insights

REI Systems Cited in Media for our April 2019 GAB Forum
April 12, 2019
Blog Government Analytics Survey Results
Reading Time: < 1 minute

On April 11th, REI Systems hosted one of our bimonthly Government Analytics Breakfast (GAB) Forums, an event that brings together professionals from academia, government, and industry to discuss advances in data-driven decision making in the public sector, in partnership with Johns Hopkins University’s Program in Government Analytics. At this month’s event, speakers Keith Nakasone (GSA), Marina Fox (GSA), and Terry Carpenter (NBIS) discussed “Who is using AI in Government, for What Purpose?”, presenting current case studies of artificial intelligence in government.

Aaron Boyd of Nextgov honed in on the event in an article discussing the future of artificial intelligence in government security clearance procedures. The article, titled “Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Evaluate 1.1 Million Security Clearance Holders,” cites Terry Carpenter, whose team is working to digitize the traditionally paper-heavy security clearance process.

The same GAB Forum was also cited by Dave Nyczepir of Fedscoop in an article titled “Improving federal solicitations’ ‘scary low’ Section 508 accessibility compliance.” This article focuses on GSA’s artificial intelligence-enabled Solicitation Review Tool, specifically as it relates to Section 508 compliance, as discussed by Marina Fox at the event.

REI Systems is proud to be in the foreground of the government’s new and upcoming forays in artificial intelligence as both a facilitator and IT specialist. If you have questions about REI Systems’ AI capabilities, you can email our Solutions Architect Ankit Mittal at