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Lessons Learned from a Government Data Analytics Startup

Lessons Learned from a Government Data Analytics Startup

Reading Time: 2 minutesI recently facilitated a Government Analytics Breakfast Forum (co-hosted by REI Systems and Johns Hopkins University), where the Director of Enterprise Data Services for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Shannon Files, made a presentation on “Building a Data and Analytics Organization in a ‘Startup’ Government Agency.” Here’s what I took away that might be useful to any agency hoping to strengthen its analytics program.
REI Systems to Present Natural Disaster Damage Assessment Case Study at Global Big Data Conference

REI Systems to Present Natural Disaster Damage Assessment Case Study at Global Big Data Conference

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe numbers don’t lie. The frequency of natural disasters is increasing, but the question remains, how do we better plan for the aftermath of these impending disasters? Post-disaster, it is crucial to estimate the damage quickly to support response and recovery services adequately.