REI Insights

Going Mobile
January 24, 2017
Reading Time: 2 minutes


As federal decision-makers determine how best to increase participation and collaboration among their employees and constituency through the use of mobile applications (apps), they should consider that the booming trend toward increased mobile app usage also increases the competition to build apps that engage and retain its users. This growing competition represents an opportunity for federal decision-makers to enlist the best mobile application development vendors with multiple acuities in design, development, and implementation, features, and future trends.

This white paper equips government decision-makers with checklists to inform their selection of vendors and ensure their existing development teams are focused on what matters. These checklists address the following mobile app development domains:

  • What design, development, and implementation considerations need to be made when developing a quality mobile app?
  • What key features need to be built into my mobile app?
  • What design features need to be considered in next generation of government information technology systems to actively participate in mobile development trends?

Design, Development, and Implementation Considerations

Federal decision-makers can use this checklist to ensure development teams make the interface design considerations that create a seamless, efficient, and constructive user experience. Checking these boxes means that you have considered user experience/usability, conceptual integrity, maintainability, supportability, manageability, availability, security, and reliability for mobile app development.

Key Feature Requirements

When building mobile apps, decision-makers can use this checklist to make sure your teams are building applications that consider key feature requirements.

Future Trends

While the future is impossible to predict, the obvious trend toward growing mobile development will make mobile devices more valuable to conduct government business than ever. Knowing and incorporating these trends when building your app will give you a head start.

To View, a PDF of this three-part white paper, click below. 

Going Mobile Part 1- Business

Going Mobile Part 2- Technology Platform

Going Mobile Part 3 -Key Design, Feature, and Trend Considerations
for Federal Decision Makers