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Bias in Artificial Intelligence and What To Do About It

Bias in Artificial Intelligence and What To Do About It

Reading Time: 2 minutesDid you know that artificial intelligence can lock-in bias and discrimination?  This is a particular problem for government agencies entrusted to serve populations fairly. On June 20th, REI Systems and Johns Hopkins University (JHU) hosted a Government Analytics Breakfast (GAB) Forum to explore bias in artificial intelligence, and what to do about it.
GAB Forum Speakers Discuss Data and The Opioid Crisis

GAB Forum Speakers Discuss Data and The Opioid Crisis

Reading Time: < 1 minuteOn October 4th, REI Systems and the Johns Hopkins University's Advanced Academic Programs hosted a Government Analytics Breakfast (GAB) Forum. The GAB Forum brings together professionals from academia, government, and industry to discuss advances in data-driven decision-making in the public sector, strengthening the community that works to improve government by using analytic methods.
IRS Presents on Data Analysis for Enterprise Risk Management at Recent GAB Forum

IRS Presents on Data Analysis for Enterprise Risk Management at Recent GAB Forum

Reading Time: 2 minutesOn June 12th, REI Systems and Johns Hopkins University’s Advanced Academic Programs hosted a Government Analytics Breakfast (GAB) Forum. Guest speaker Tom Brandt, Chief Risk Officer (IRS) presented on “Applying Analytics to Enterprise Risk Management: Opportunities and Challenges.” Brandt explains how IRS’s Enterprise Risk Management Program gathers data using advanced data analytic tools to address key categories in its risk management:
GMB Forum Hosts Panel to Discuss Results of their First Grants Management Survey

GMB Forum Hosts Panel to Discuss Results of their First Grants Management Survey

Reading Time: < 1 minuteREI Systems’ Grants Management Breakfast (GMB) Forums made new strides this year on November 10th; for the first time, REI and the George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration (TSPPPA) presented and discussed the results of the Grants Management Survey 2016 conducted by REI, TSPPPA, and the National Grants Management Association (NGMA).