REI Insights

REI Systems in GCN: Employers can grow the talent pool by focusing on women technologists
February 23, 2021
news rei in GCN grow talent pool women technologists
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We are proud to support women technologists, especially today on International Women’s Day. Two of REI Systems’ women leaders—Samidha Manu, Senior Director and Chief People Officer, and Indunil Ranaviraja, Principal and Lead for Advisory Services—conducted a series of case studies of women technologists and analyzed the results. Today Government Computer News published the results, finding that:

  • Women’s careers are not always linear/Employers should provide opportunities to pivot;
  • Women should recognize their strengths and seek related training and growth opportunities/Employers should support continuous learning both formally and informally; and
  • Women need to speak out/Employers must ensure that women’s voices are heard

The article also cites research that shows women are more likely to leave the tech industry within a year compared to their male counterparts, and more than half of women leave their organizations at mid-career. Manu and Ranaviraja draw highlights from their case studies, which can be found online here.